Welcome to our guide on setting up EverFlow Postbacks on NewsBreak! Follow these simple steps to successfully track and exchange information between servers. For more information, please refer to Everflow's official documentation here.
1. Log in to the Everflow account associated with your offer and click on the upper left menu button and select "Postbacks."
2. On the "Manage Postbacks" page, make sure you are under the "Conversions" tab and click "+Postback."
3. In the pop-up form, select the following items:
- Status: Active
Postback Type: Conversion
- Postback Level: Global
- Delivery Method: Postback
4. Once Postback is selected, you need to enter the Postback URL.
- In NewsBreak ad platform, go to Tools → Event management → Web Events→ Create/test web event.
- Name the event, select Postback, choose Everflow as the tracking service and choose your event type. You could also turn on Event value if you have a value associated with this event. Code and instruction will be generated after you filled all required fields.
In the instruction, an endpoint URL will be generated base on your inputs as shown below, this is the URL you'll need to paste in "Postback URL" in Everflow.
- Note that if you are already using sub1 in your URL parameter for other purposes, you can also use sub2-sub5, but please ensure that you update this accordingly in your landing page URL.
5. Hit "Save" and proceed with testing in our Ad Manager. Please do not delay the Postback.
6. To test the Postback, head immediately to NewsBreak's Event Management tab and select "Create/test web event."
Firstly, append “sub1=__CALLBACK_PARAM__” to your offer's landing page URL.
For example, if your offer landing page is "https://www.mytestoffer.com/my_offer_landing_page" then after appending, it should look like "https://www.mytestoffer.com/my_offer_landing_page?sub1=__CALLBACK_PARAM__."
Make sure to add the question mark if it is the first parameter in the URL. Pleaase note that if in Step 4, you used sub2-sub5 instead of sub1 in the Postback URL, you need to adjust it accordingly.
Next, put this URL in NewsBreak's Postback testing tool at the bottom of the page. Here you will try to trigger a conversion event -- you should be able to see the green checkmark in 1-2 minutes if the Postback is successful, as the picture shown below. After test successful, you'll be able to save the event.
- All done!
Testing unsuccessful? Follow these steps to troubleshoot:
- Switch tabs back to Everflow.
- Click on the upper left menu button and go to "Reporting" >> "Postback."
Run the report for "Today." Here it should show you if a Postback is activated when you manually trigger a conversion event, and the payload will be included.
- If no Postback is generated, please work with your Everflow AM to find out why this is the case. This is likely a setup issue on the Everflow side.
- If a Postback is generated, please take a screenshot and send it to your NewsBreak POC and our tech team will help investigate.