Welcome to the NewsBreak Postback Integration Guide! Postback is a way of sending events happen on your website from your hosting server back to NewsBreak, which helps tracking events on your website that can be essential for ad performance optimization.
If you want to create a NewsBreak Postback event, in Tools > Event Management > Web Events, click the Create/test event button, then choose Postback as your event tracking type. If you're not using a 3rd party tracking service that we already support, please choose Others in the tracking service field, and then choose the event type you want to track, and if you want to track event value as well. Then an instruction will show based on your inputs on the platform.
Please follow the steps below to integrate your Postback:
Step 1: Add the Callback Parameter to Your Ad's Landing Page URL
Insert "__CALLBACK_PARAM__" into the landing page URL of your ad. This parameter will be replaced with a unique ID when users click on your NewsBreak ad.
- Note that there are two underscores at the beginning and end and one in between.
- Example of Ad Landing Page URL: https://demo.test-domain.com/test/page/?param1=value1&utm_source=xxxxxx&newsbreak_cid=__CALLBACK_PARAM__
Step 2: Retrieve and Store Your NewsBreak Click ID
When users click on your NewsBreak ad, the "__CALLBACK_PARAM__" in the URL is replaced with a special ID (usually starting with "nvss_"). Please update your website to read and store this ID in the backend.
- Example (original URL): https://demo.test-domain.com/test/page/?param1=value1&utm_source=xxxxx&newsbreak_cid=__CALLBACK_PARAM__
- Example (updated URL after click): https://demo.test-domain.com/test/page/?param1=value1&utm_source=xxxxxx&newsbreak_cid=nvss_fa2c907daf004e74a34bebedee422d2c_1599867362386763778
Step 3: Send a Postback Request to Our Endpoint
- Send a Postback request with your NewsBreak Click ID to our endpoint.
- An URL is already generated based on your inputs under "NewsBreak Endpoint Spec", this is the URL your server need to use to send back data when a conversion event happens.
- Please make sure the callback parameter is correctly configured with your server to pass back the NewsBreak Click ID, and specify the event_type which is usually auto-generated based on your input (eg. "event_type=complete_payment"). If you turned on Event value, you'll also need to specify the event value in the nb_value parameter in the URL.
Step 4: Test the Postback Integration
- Enter the landing page URL from Step 1 (including "__CALLBACK_PARAM__") and click "Go test" to trigger your conversion event.
- Once you've triggered the event, please return back to NewsBreak's page to see the test result.
Step 5: Save your Event
- Hopefully you will see "Test result: successful" and then you can save your event on the right-hand side of the screen. All done!
💡You can also review our Postback instructions in our Event Management tab within the Ad Manager.