Welcome to our guide on setting up a NewsBreak Postback through Tune! Follow these simple steps to successfully track and exchange information between servers.
1. Log in to your Tune account, click "Offers" on the left panel, and select your desired offer.
Once selected, it will take you to the Pixels/Postbacks section.
2.Configure your Postback URL in Tune by clicking "Add New Pixel/Postback," select your Code Type as "Postback URL" and Goal: "Install." This means you are submitting a Postback for the default conversion event for this offer.
3. Set up the Postback URL by following the provided template:
(Please make sure that the 'event_type' is correct and the one you want to optimize for, the incorrect event type will cause the NewsBreak Event Test to fail).
💡Note that the tracking link needs to have our '__CALLBACK_PARAM__' added to Click ID:
4. Switch windows by logging in to your NewsBreak Ad Manager account and head to the Event Management tab. Fill the requird fields and select Tune as the 3rd party tracking service.
5. From here, you can input the tracking link you've created in the 'Test URL' box and hit 'Go test.' Then you should be able to see the test result is successful if your integration is correctly implemented.
All done! Now you should be able to save your event and successfully track your campaigns.