Welcome to our API integration article! This article will help you understand how to integrate our API with your application, enabling seamless data exchange and automation. Follow the steps below to get started and feel free to review the thorough guide right here.
Step 1: Create an Ad Account
Make sure that you have an ad account created in our Ad Manager.
Step 2: Fetch Your API Access Token from the Ad Manager
In your Ad Manager account please go to Resources -> API Access Tokens
- Click "Generate Token"
Step 3: API Access
This token generated is your API key. This key will be used to authenticate your API requests. Please keep this key secure and do not share it publicly.
Step 4: Authentication
With the access token, you can access the endpoints according to the permissions that are granted by the advertiser. You can put access_token in HTTP Header field when making API requests.
Key | Value | Type |
Access-Token | access_token you received | String |
Request Example
curl -X 'POST' \
'httsp://business.newsbreak.com/business-api/v1/reports/getIntegratedReport' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Access-Token: your_access_token' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"name":"string","dateRange":"FIXED","startDate":"2024-01-01","endDate":"2024-01-01","filter":null,"filterIds":["string"],"dimensions":["DATE"],"metrics":["COST"],"emails":["your_email"],"editors":["your_name"]}'
💡From here, you should be able to make your first API call. If you run into any issues with integration, please contact adsupport@newsbreak.com.