Welcome to our FAQ article! This article is designed to instruct you on how to create a successful app-install campaign on NewsBreak. Please note that before you create this type of campaign in our Ad Manager, you need to make sure that your MMP (Mobile Measurement Partner) is successfully configured with NewsBreak.
What MMPs does NewsBreak support?
NewsBreak currently supports Appsflyer and Adjust.
What app stores are supported?
NewsBreak supports iOS and Android app installations.
Steps to create an App-Install campaign
Access Ad Management and create a new campaign.
- Create a new campaign with the 'App install' objective and hit ‘Save and Next.’
In your ad set, set up your app tracking event.
Create a custom app install tracking event by clicking the dropdown and selecting ‘Create new event.’
Please note that different ad sets are needed for iOS and Android app installations!
Create a custom app install tracking event by clicking the dropdown and selecting ‘Create new event.’
Follow the provided instructions in the ‘App Events’ column of Event Management.
Here you will name your event, input your app store URL, and connect to your MMP by finding and inserting tracking URLs.
- See below for guidance on inserting tracking URLs correctly.
Here you will name your event, input your app store URL, and connect to your MMP by finding and inserting tracking URLs.
- Save and proceed.
- Once you have successfully tested the tracking implementation and created your app event, save the changes, and proceed with setting up your ad.
💡For more information on tracking URLs, check out our Macros FAQ here.
How should I retrieve the URLs?
Sample Store URLs: (generic store URL)
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.blizzard.arc&hl=en_US&gl=US
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bloom-learn-to-invest/id1576588253
Get Tracking URLs:
1. Go to "Integrated Partners" on AppsFlyer and search for NewsBreak.
2. Select "Attribution Link" under "NewsBreak" and retrieve your tracking URLs.
Sample Default Impression Tracking URL (optional): https://impression.appsflyer.com/com.block.juggle?pid=particlemedia_int&af_siteid=NewsBreak&c=__CAMPAIGN_NAME__&af_c_id=__CAMPAIGN_ID__&af_ad=__CREATIVE_NAME__&af_ad_id=__CREATIVE_ID__&af_adset=__FLIGHT_NAME__&af_adset_id=__FLIGHT_ID__&af_viewthrough_lookback=24h&clickid=__CALLBACK_PARAM__&advertising_id=__ADID__&idfa=__IDFA__
💡All agency partners will need to include af_prt parameter on AppsFlyer, and share your value of af_prt with NewsBreak by contact your NewsBreak account manager in order to track attribution, see here.
How do I configure the in-app event?
Enable the in-app event postbacks and use NewsBreak event_type for mapping. Please make sure include values & revenue on AppsFlyer if you toggle on the above Event value.
💡For iOS, please deactivate the advanced policy to ensure NewsBreak can receive all conversion data.
Get Tracking URLs:
1. Search and select "NewsBreak" in "Network." Name your tracker and click "Customize."
2. Copy your tracking URLs to NewsBreak's Ad Manager.
Sample Click Tracking URL: https://app.adjust.com/192wdu30?campaign=__CAMPAIGN_NAME__&adgroup=__FLIGHT_NAME__&creative=__CREATIVE_NAME__&idfa=__IDFA__&gps_adid=__ADID__&install_callback=http%3A%2F%2Fbusiness.newsbreak.com%2Ftracking%2Fattribute%3Fcallback%3D__CALLBACK_PARAM__%26event_type%3Dapp_install
Sample Default Impression Tracking URL (optional): https://view.adjust.com/impression/192wdu30?campaign=__CAMPAIGN_NAME__&adgroup=__FLIGHT_NAME__&creative=__CREATIVE_NAME__&idfa=__IDFA__&gps_adid=__ADID__&install_callback=http%3A%2F%2Fbusiness.newsbreak.com%2Ftracking%2Fattribute%3Fcallback%3D__CALLBACK_PARAM__%26event_type%3Dapp_install
How do I configure the in-app event?
Please go to your app and jump to "SDK integration" and copy the token of the conversion event to NewsBreak's Ad Manager.